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Chapter 9

Momentum and Its Conservation


Chapter 9 Momentum and Its Conservation


9.1 Impulse and Change In Momentum


Momentum and Impulse


Momentum is the product of the mass and the velocity of a body. It is a vector quantity.


            p = mv          (Units of momentum are kilogram-meter/second)


From Newtons second Law:


            F = ma = mdv/dt




            Fdt = mdv


Impulse is the product of the force and the time interval over which it acts


            (Units for impulse are Newton-seconds)


            dp = mdv




            Fdt = dp     


Impulse-Momentum theorem: The Impulse is equal to the change in Momentum.


Angular Momentum


Angular momentum is the product of an objects mass, velocity, and distance from center of rotation.


            <p = mvd


9.2 The Conservation of Momentum


Newtons Third Law and Momentum


The impulse-momentum theorem is another way of stating Newtons third law.


            Fdt = dp



System a defined collection of objects


Isolated system

1.      objects neither enter nor leave

2.      no external forces act on it


In an Isolate system the net change in momentum is zero.


            pA1 + pB1 = pA2 + pB2


Law of Conservation of Momentum


The momentum of any closed, isolate system does not change.


Internal and External Forces


An internal force cannot change the total momentum of a system.


It is important to define a system carefully. A force may be eityer internal or external depending on the system definition.


Conservation of Momentum in Two Dimensions


The total momentum of a system is the vector sum of the momenta of all the parts of the system.









Ronald K. Wilson

Central Senior High School

131 K-V Road

Victoria, VA  23947

Work Phone:  434-696-2137

Home Phone:  434-372-3997

      7:00 - 9:00 PM

email:  wilsonrk@hotmail.com