
Syllabus | Grading Procedures | Class Rules | Lab Reports Rubric | Rules for Significant Figures | Rules of Problem Solving | Physics SOL's | Chapter I | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13




R. Wilson       

Spring 2004


Date        Topic and Assignments




01-21       Chapter 1: Introduction to Physics(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4)

                A.  Safety in the Physics Lab

                B.  Scientific Problem Solving

                C.  What is Physics?


01-22       Chapter 2: A Mathematical Toolkit(SOL PH.1, PH.2)

                A.  The Measure of Science (HW: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a, 11a)

B.       Not all Is Certain (HW: 12a, 13a, 14, 15b, 16a, 17a)

01-23                Experiment 1:  Measuring Length

01-26       C.  Displaying Data

D.      Manipulating Equations

01-27                Experiment 2: Measuring Mass


02-03       Chapter 3: Describing Motion:  Velocity(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.5)

A.      How Far and How Fast? (HW: 1, 3, 5,  7)

02-04                Experiment 3: Measuring Time

B.       New Meanings for Old Words (HW: 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)

02-05       Chapter 1, 2, and 3 Quiz


02-06       Chapter 4: Acceleration(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.5)

A.      What is Acceleration? (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)

02-09                Experiment 4.1: Accelerated Motion

02-10     Displacement During Constant Acceleration (HW: 13, 15,17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29)

02-11       Chapter 4 Quiz


02-12       Chapter 5: Forces(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.5)

A.      Newtons Laws of Motion (HW: 1, 3)

02-13                Experiment 4: Acceleration

02-16       B.   Using Newtons Laws (HW: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

02-17                Experiment 7: Coefficient of Sliding Friction

02-18       Chapter 5 Quiz


02-19       Chapter 6: Vectors(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.5)

                A.  Graphical Method of Vector Addition (HW: 1, 3, 5,)

02-20  B.  Analytical Method of Vector Addition (HW: 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

02-23                Experiment 6.1: Addition of Force Vectors

02-24       C.  Applications of Vectors (HW: 17, 19, 21, 23, 25)

02-25     Chapter 6 Quiz







Date        Topic and Assignments


02-26       Chapter 7: Motion in Two Dimensions(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.5)

A.      Projectile Motion (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7)

02-27                Experiment 7.1: Projectile Motion

03-01                Experiment 7.2: Range of a Projectile

03-02       Periodic Motion (HW: 9, 11, 13)

03-03                Experiment 9: Centripetal Force


03-04       Chapter 8: Universal Gravitation(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.5

A.      Motion in the Heavens and On Earth (HW: 1, 3)

03-05                Experiment 8.1: Keplers Laws

03-02       B.   Using the Law of Universal Gravitation (HW: 5, 7 )

03-03       Chapter 7 and 8 Quiz


03-04       Chapter 9: Momentum and Its Conservation(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.6)

                A.  Impulse and Change in Momentum (HW: 1, 3 )

03-05     B.  The Conservation of Momentum (HW: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 )

03-08                Experiment 9.1: Conservation of Momentum

03-09       Chapter 9 Quiz


03-10       Chapter 10: Work, Energy and Simple Machines(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.6, PH.8)

A.      Work and Energy (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 )

03-11                Experiment 12: Power

B.       Machines (HW: 13, 15 )

03-12                Experiment 10.1: Pulleys

03-15                Experiment 10.2: Torques


03-16       Chapter 11: Energy(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.6, PH.8)

                A.  Energy in Its Many Forms  (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7 )

B.       Conservation of Energy (HW: 9, 11, 13, 15)

03-17                Experiment 10: The Pendulum

03-18       Chapter 10 and 11 Quiz




03-19       Chapter 12: Thermal Energy(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.7, PH.8)

A.      Temperature and Thermal Energy (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)

03-22                Experiment 12.1: Specific Heat

03-23       B.   Change of State and Laws of Thermodynamics (HW: 13, 15)

03-24                Experiment 20: Heat of Fusion

03-25       Chapter 12 Quiz


03-26       Chapter 13: States of Matter(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.7)

A.      The Fluid States (HW:  1, 3, 5, 7)

03-29                Experiment 13.1: Archimedes Principle

03-30       B.   The Solid State (HW: 9, 11)

03-31       Chapter 13 Quiz







Date        Topic and Assignments





04-01       Chapter 14: Waves and Energy Transfer(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.9, PH.10)

                A.  Wave Properties (HW: 1, 3)

B.       Wave Interference (HW:  5, 7)

04-02                Experiment 24: Wave Properties


04-05       Chapter 15: Sound(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.9, PH.10)

A.      Properties of Sound (HW:  1, 3)

B.       The Sound of Music (HW: 5, 7, 9 )

04-06       Chapter 14 and 15 Quiz


04-07       Chapter 16: Light(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.9, PH.10)

A.      Light Fundamentals (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 )

04-08                Experiment 26: Photometry

B.       Light and Matter

04-09       Chapter 16 Quiz


04-19       Chapter 17: Reflection and Refraction(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.11)

                A.  How light Behaves at A boundary (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7 )

B.       Applications of Reflected and Refracted Light

04-20                Experiment 27: Plane Mirrors

04-21                Experiment 29: Index of Refraction of Glass


04-22       Chapter 18: Mirrors and Lenses(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.11)

A.      Mirrors (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 )

04-23                Experiment 28: Curved Mirrors

04-26       B. Lenses (HW:  13, 15, 17, 19)

04-27                Experiment 30: Converging Lenses


04-28       Chapter 19: Diffraction an Interference of Light(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.9)

A.      When Light Waves Interfere (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7 )

B.       Applications of Diffraction

04-29       Chapter 17, 18, and 19




04-30       Chapter 20: Static Electricity(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.12)

                A.  Electrical Charges

C.       Electrical Forces (HW: 1, 3, 5 )

05-03                Experiment 20.1 Investigating Static Electricity




05-04       Chapter 21: Electric Fields(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.12)

                A.  Creating and Measuring Electric Fields (HW: 1, 3 )

B.       Applications of the Electric Field (HW: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 )





Date        Topic and Assignments


05-05       Chapter 22: Current Electricity(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.6, PH.8, PH.13)

A.      Current and Circuits (HW:  1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)

05-06                Experiment 22.1: Ohms Law

B.       Using Electrical Energy (HW: 15, 17, 19 )

05-07       Chapter 20, 21 and 22 Quiz


05-10       Chapter 23: Series and Parallel Circuits(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.6, PH.8, PH.13)

A.      Simple Circuits (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)

05-11                Experiment 23.1: Series Resistance

05-12                Experiment 23.2: Parallel Resistance

B.       Applications of Circuits (HW: 13, 15 )

05-13       Review Circuits

05-14       Chapter 23 Quiz


05-17       Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.12)

A.      Magnets:  Permanent and Temporary (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7 )

                B.  Forces Caused by Magnetic Fields (HW: 9, 11, 13, 15 )


                Chapter 25: Electromagnetic Induction(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.12)

                A.  Creating Electric Current From Changing Magnetic Fields (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7 )

B.       Effects of Changing Magnetic Fields:  Induced EMF (HW: 9, 11)


                Chapter 26: Electric and Magnetic Fields(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.12)

                A.  Action of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Matter (HW:  1, 3, 5, 7)

B.       Electric and Magnetic Fields in Space

05-18       Chapter 24, 25 and 26 Quiz




05-19       Chapter 27: Quantum Theory(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.14)

                A.  Waves Behave Like Particles (HW: 1, 3 )

                B.  Particles Behave Like Waves (HW:  5, 7)


                Chapter 28: The Atom(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.14)

                A.  The Bohr Model (HW: 1, 3 )

B.       The Present Model of the Atom


                Chapter 29: Solid State Electronics(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.14)

                A.  Conduction in Solids (HW:  1, 3)

B.       Electronic Devices (HW:  5)

05-20       Chapter 27, 28, and 29 Quiz


05-21       Chapter 30: The Nucleus(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.14)

                A.  Radioactivity (HW: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 )

                B.  The Building Blocks of Matter (HW: 13)


05-24       Chapter 31: Nuclear Applications(SOL PH.1, PH.2, PH.3, PH.4, PH.8, PH.14)

                A.  Holding the Nucleus Together (HW: 1, 3 )

                B.  Using Nuclear Energy (HW: 5, 7, 9 )

05-25  Chapter 30 and 31 Quiz


05-26/02-02                Exam Review and Exams





Ronald K. Wilson

Central Senior High School

131 K-V Road

Victoria, VA  23947

Work Phone:  434-696-2137

Home Phone:  434-372-3997

      7:00 - 9:00 PM

email:  wilsonrk@hotmail.com