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Chapter 7

Motion in Two Dimensions


Chapter 7 Motion in Two Dimensions



7.1 Projectile Motion


The path of a projectile is its trajectory.





Independence of Motion in Two Dimensions


The horizontal and vertical velocities of a projectile are independent.

Time is the only common factor.






Horizontal Component of Projectile Motion


            dx = vxt






Vertical Component of Projectile Motion


            dy = vy1t + ˝gt2


            vy2 = vy1 + gt


            vy22 = vy12 + 2gdy






Objects Launched Horizontally


The horizontal Velocity is constant.

The vertical velocity is constantly changing because of gravity.






Objects Launched at an Angle


The trajectory of a projectile is a parabola.






Problem Solving Strategy


Solve the horizontal and vertical components independently of each other.


Always check a problem to see if you answers are reasonable.


The velocity of a projectile can be resolved into horizontal and vertical components.






7.2 Periodic Motion






Circular Motion


Centripetal acceleration is always toward the center of a circle.


In circular motion, centripetal acceleration is at right angles to the instantaneous velocity.


            ac = v2/r


                        a centripetal acceleration

                        v linear velocity, tangential to the circle.

                        r radius of the circle




            v = (2pr)/T


                        T period of one revolution


            a = (4p2r)T2


            Fc = mac = (mv2)/r = (4p2mr)/T2


                        Fc centripetal force

m mass of object  






Changing Circular Motion: Torque


Torque is the product of the force and lever arm.


            T = F X l





Simple Harmonic Motion


In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force varies linearly with displacement


The period is the time required to complete a full complete cycle.


A pendulum making small swing undergoes simple harmonic motion


Period of a Pendulum:


            T = 2p(l/g)1/2


                        l length of pendulum


















Ronald K. Wilson

Central Senior High School

131 K-V Road

Victoria, VA  23947

Work Phone:  434-696-2137

Home Phone:  434-372-3997

      7:00 - 9:00 PM

email:  wilsonrk@hotmail.com