Views of Earth
Chapter 5
List Three major Landforms.
List Three major Landforms.
Plains large flat area
Plateaus flat raised area
Mountains no flat, highly raised area
What is the difference in coastal and Interior plains?
What is the difference in coastal and Interior plains?
Coastal near ocean, wet
Interior inside continent, dry
Give the 4 types of mountains.
Give the 4 types of mountains.
Folded rock layers squeezed from opposite sides
Upwarped pushed up by forces inside earth
Fault-block rock layers pull apart
Volcanic build up of molten rock
What is latitude?
Equator imaginary line that circles earth halfway between the north and south poles, 0o
run east west
Measure angular distance north south of equator
Equator 0o
Poles 90o
What is longitude?
Prime meridian runs through north and south pole and Greenwich, England
Run north south
Measure angular distance east west of prime meridian
Prime meridian 0o
International date line 180o
How many time zones are on earth?
How many time zones are on earth?
360o in a circle
24 hours in a day
How many time zones are on earth?
360 divided by 24 = 15degrees
Sun rises in east and sets in west
East to west lose one hour
West to east gain one hour
When does daylight savings time begin and end?
When does daylight savings time begin and end?
Begin 2:00 AM, first Sunday in April
End 2:00 AM, last Sunday in October
Why do we have the international date line?
Why do we have the international date line?
East to west gain one day
West to east lose one day
Section 5.3
What is a map?
What is a map?
Representation of earth on flat paper
Latitude and longitude points are projected on to flat paper from center of earth
Give three types of map projections.
Give three types of map projections.
Cylindrical (Mercator)
Cylinder with earths axis as its axis
Latitude and longitude lines are parallel
Greatest distortion near poles
Least distortion near equator
Give three types of map projections.
Plane (Polar)
Plane sheet of paper touching at a pole
Latitude lines are concentric circles
Longitude lines meet at center of map
Greatest distortion at equator
Least distortion at poles
Give three types of map projections.
Cone with earths axis as its axis
Latitude and longitude lines are not parallel
What is a topographic map?
What is a topographic map?
Shows changes in elevation
Give rules of contour lines.
Give rules of contour lines.
Contour line line of equal elevation
Contour interval change in elevation between two consecutive contour lines
Index contour every fifth contour line, shaded dark, labeled with elevation
Contour lines close around hills and basins or depressions
Give rules of contour lines.
Hachures are short lines at right angles to the contour line that are used to show depressions
Closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slope
Far spaced contour lines indicate gentle slope
Contour lines never cross except at a cliff or over hang
Give rules of contour lines.
Contour lines for Vs that point upstream whenever they cross streams.
What is a map legend?
What is a map legend?
Meaning of symbols
Give three types of map scales.
Give three types of map scales.
1 inch = 1 mile
Fractional or ratio
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