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Chapter 19
Earth Science College Prep

Our Impact on Land

Our Impact on Land

Chapter 19

Population Impact on the Environment

Section 19.1

What is carrying capacity?


What is carrying capacity?

Maximum number of individuals of a particular species that the planet will support

What is population?

What is population?

Total number of individuals of a particular species in a particular area

Why is our population is increasing?

Why is our population is increasing?




People reach the age to have children

How do people affect the environment?

How do people affect the environment?

47,000 kg of garbage

662,000 bathtubs of water

Five times the energy as the rest of the world

How do people affect the environment?

Electricity fuels mined burned

Water purify

Food land pesticides herbicides

Packaging paper plastic

Plastic oil

Paper trees transportation oil



Chapter 19 (cont.)

Using the Land

Section 19.1

How do we use land?

How do we use land?


Grazing Livestock

Cutting Trees



How do we use land?

Hazardous Wastes



Natural Preserves

What are some environmental problems created because of land use?

What are some environmental problems created because of land use?

Farming fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, erosion

Grazing Livestock less efficient

Cutting Trees loss of habitat, increase CO2,

Landfills -

What are some environmental problems created because of land use?

Hazardous Wastes landfill leak, running out of acceptable areas to build landfills, decompose slowly

Structures heat, run-off, evaporation, less ground water

Mines -

Natural Preserves not for human use

What can you do to protect the environment?


What can you do to protect the environment?




Should recycling be required?

Section 19.3

What are the advantages of recycling?

What are the advantages of recycling?

Land fill space



Air pollution


More efficient

One aluminum can = 3 hours of TV

List Advantages of mandatory Recycling.

List Advantages of mandatory Recycling.

More recycling

Recycle pay less for trash pickup

No trash pickup


Save energy

Create jobs

List disadvantages of recycling.

List disadvantages of recycling.

Free choice voluntary recycle


Lost jobs

No market

Do you think recycling should be required by law?

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